Sunny Chan blogs Can you see the Logic in my Madness?

A quick status update

by Sunny Chan

Posted on Wednesday June 14, 2006 at 02:51am in Anything

I am back to UK after a nice and relaxing trip to Hong Kong - didn't really do a lot of interesting thing but I am now a proud owner of a new thinkpad (and 900 quid poorer)

I have already started working in certain big financial institution. It has been quite an experience for me and I have already working some interesting stuff. We will see what happens

My parents have arrived from Hong Kong last week and has been doing up my flat. The only stuff that is missing is my washing machine and the fridge - they tried to deliever them a few weeks ago but then they didn't have enough people and tools to move it up the stairs - I told them I live on the third floor and there is no lift! Nevermind.

So people in UK should expect a house warming invitation soon.

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