Sunny Chan blogs Can you see the Logic in my Madness?

"It's greener on the other side"

by Sunny Chan

Posted on Sunday March 12, 2006 at 06:31am in Anything

I had a chat with a female friend in Hong Kong tonight. Her bf "blanked" her because he find her a bit troublesome... so I shared some of the things how I feel about my previous relationships, etc. Well I think I have learnt a lesson.

Guys always think they are spolied for choice - and we always think "it's greener on the other side". So some will dump their girl, "play the field" and see whether they will find anything better. After a few failed attempts, they will realise that their ex is actually their perfect match. But by that time it will be too late.

I remember a long time ago a guy told me he did this with his wife, and luckily he got her back and have a happy ending. His recommendation is never attempt to do it however much you feel the grass is greener.

I suppose some people need to learn things by the hard way................................

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