Sunny Chan blogs Can you see the Logic in my Madness?

The cat is out of the bag

by Sunny Chan

Posted on Thursday April 13, 2006 at 08:14am in Anything

Finally, the cat is out of the bag.

I have found myself a new job at an investment bank, which should remain nameless for now. I never thought I would end up in one of those, but the role feels like it is tailor made for me, with the opportunty to shine - plus the salary to match it! Well, I couldn't say no.

I can see this job is going to be tough and strench my ability, but it could be rewarding, in terms of job satisfication and monetary terms. So I think I need to put in 110% - hopefully I would achieve something great.

Anyway, I feel like this is a blessing from God... I don't feel like I deserve the job but now that I've got it I won't let it go easily (oh, unless I am burnt out of course) I am looking forward to the new challenge.

Thank you Ocado for giving me an opportunity to sharpen my Java skills - I have learnt a lot while I am there :-)

(It feels like I am writing an oscar acceptance speech!)

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