Sunny Chan blogs Can you see the Logic in my Madness?


by Sunny Chan

Posted on Sunday January 07, 2007 at 11:09pm in Anything

Today they showed Wargames on ITV this afternoon. Wow. The nostalgia is flooding back (I remember my first computer has two floopy drives and no hard drive, blah blah blah).. So I have been looking up on the net - You can still get a IMSAI 8080 computer (The one that kids used to hack into WORP) with a ATX motherboard in there.... I want that for Christmas!

Two observation: Why does all the computer geek always get the pretty girl, but they don't in the real life? And why is all the geek suppose to have that jittery movement? I don't!

Oh they are actually making a Sequel to Wargames this year. Can we have Scarlett Johanssen as the lead lady please? Well I suppose she is too "mature" for that :-)

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