Sunny Chan blogs Can you see the Logic in my Madness?

A new era - I begin to blog

by Sunny Chan

Posted on Wednesday March 08, 2006 at 07:54am in Anything

Oh well, I think it is about time for me to start my own blog. This has been long time coming - I am trying to find a Java Blogger and only recently I manage to get one going on my server. Who needs php anyway when you can run it in *ALL* in Java -this runs on IBM JVM (I made it), Apache Derby, Apache Tomcat and roller weblogger

Lately a lot has been going on. Too many things that I won't want to let the whole world know... but if you know me well enough I should have told you by now! Anyway I think it is an exciting time of my life - I am now officially a home owner! Finally there is a piece of earth that I can call my own, for which I can paint it any colour I want! I am looking forward to that.

Just took Mini to the garage today... gosh she is getting a bit of "high maintenance" lately.. I have to replace the front tyres for 110quid a pop... ouch........ and then I have to do some suspension tuning............ that's another 145quid. ouch ouch............. don't know how long I can afford to date mini now that I have a flat to pay for next 25 years!

okay okay I have moan enough (nothing special then!)

This blog is still under beta testing... may disappear if it doesn't work properly!


I like your solution to comment spam :D
Remember to post more pics about UK~~ :P

Posted by Sharon on March 08, 2006 at 10:32 am HKT #

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